Thursday, March 11, 2010

Two Tiger Killed @ Ranthambhore

The roaring sound of music echoes the forest and also throb heart beats of villagers/tourists living around. It sound like that some goddess in joy has put her beautiful fingers on mandolin. This sound becomes more joyful when the tigress is playing with her cubs, only a true nature lover, and a true lover of god, a true lover of mankind and animals can sense this sound of music in one’s soul. This Music can be heard any where, where a mother is playing with her children or a grandmother is exchanging stories with her grand children. But what happens when a child is kidnapped and killed by murders. How much we cry. The whole nation criticizes the culprits and feels shame on such acts. But when an innocent animal is killed only few weep. The Tiger which is vanishing from our forests, we have no empathy or sympathy for them. We can organize meetings, we can organize NGO’s, we can popularize our products by displaying on TV and in media showing concern on decreasing number of Tigers in India but we cannot go into deep as to why this species is diminishing from India. The government to safe guard its intentions in the eyes of the world allocate crores of budget to protect the tigers in the forest, but no one ponders as to why the crime is taking shape in killing the innocent tigers.

Yes of course! The tigers are among the most vulnerable and innocent species on the earth. In the ancient times the tigers used to sit with saints in deep forests without any harm to human life. In the history, there are very few rare cases, where the tiger has killed men. But the men are killing them for want of money.

The incident of killing of two kids of the tigress at Ranthambhore has shocked to those who are true lovers of tigers and have visited Ranthambhore to have a glimpse of this beauty queen of the forest. In the VEVARTA PURANA &, RIGVEDA , the tiger had been emblematical to Goddess and has been defined that whosoever in his life time has a glimpse of the tigress with kids or alone , will be prosperous with fame and glory up to his next seven generations. But alas! In the dazzling modern era, we are losing our faiths and are adopting our own means and methods of living the life. The Tiger is from Cat species and as per mythology if by chance a cat is killed, the killer is to donate a cat of gold, hence every precaution are taken to dispel a cat from house, who comes only for milk and nothing else.

In these backgrounds it is now essential to have a deep study to find out the root cause to protect this animal and to find out the root reasons which encourages people for killing the animal. In the instant case, the villagers put poison in the dead body of goats and left the same for the eating of the tiger and unfortunately the goats were eaten by the innocent kids of the tiger and died on the spot.

The story emerging from the culprits was that they have done so to have revenge, since now and then the tigers are killing their animals. Those animals on which the livelihood of the rural people residing around the forest of Ranthambhore or elsewhere in India depends. They have no other means of income for their bread and butter except their animals. When any animal is killed by any forest animal, means reduction in their earning. Although the Government is compensating on these grounds, but the amount of compensation is so small that cannot compensate the animal which the villager has lost. The learned people say that the villagers should be uprooted from the sides of the forests in India, but up to what extent and what limits. The forest has no limits; the living animals in forests are also unaware of the boundaries of the forests

Those who are making too much hue and cry on the subject must ponder and the villagers should be highly compensated on grounds of killing of their animals by forest animals so the feeling of revenge with the innocent forest animals does not arise at all, and no conspiracies are held to kill them. More so vigilance is essentials on the movements of visitors to rural areas surrounding to the forests , since it is well known fact that for huge money tiger's skin , bones are exported , which is a heinous crime on the earth, and the same must be stopped.

In addition to the above steps, mindset of villagers is to be changed. The NGOs, who are drawing big amount from the Government, must conduct coaching to explain to the villagers the necessity of this breed on the earth. They should be explained the concern of the whole world on this issue, so that they may come out of the darkness and must know the importance and they should feel ashamed in selling themselves to the criminals' hands for a small money and to involve themselves in the heinous crime and sin.

I, after the fatalist incidence have discussed and have a direct dialogue with many villagers, who were surprised to not that many organizations are working to save the Tiger in the forests. They were almost laughing, since for the past many years they have been given to understand that killing of tiger may give them ample money. According to them no organization or any NGOs working for protection of Tigers have approached them and given to them understand the importance of this specie.

Moreover when any animal is killed on the boundaries of the forest, the villagers are harassed by the investing agencies, causing impression of hate for forest animals. And ultimately these feelings of hate inspire them to conspire with the underworld that instigates them to kill the animals. And secondly, the security and unemployment is the another important factor which leads them to wash their hands for such crime.

To summaries it is the opportunity time to teach the villagers by organizations involved in the protection program. The administration to be soft to the villagers, by increasing compensation amount, to generate employment for the villagers residing surrounding the forests.

With grief stricken heart. I pay homage to the killed kids of the mother Tigress and pray almighty to give rebirth to them as kids of the Tigress only so that the lost grounds are compensated and sound of joys echoes the forest.


  1. Perfect thinking, but try 2 make it true.

  2. So true..touches the heart...n feel appalled at the lax ways of the government....i never knew how ignorant the villagers were in that part of the country...n i feel sorry for them as we cannot blame them completely for the prevalent superstition in the country
